Exciting Vintage Finds


I’ve been lucky with my vintage finds this week. As the house is filling up, there is little need for treasure hunting, but I can’t stop myself from looking whenever we are near an antique or secondhand store. I’m really glad the sticky beak in me couldn’t resist this week. On a trip to Gilgandra on Monday I found these plates for only a dollar each. They’ll go nicely with the plates I’ve already collected.

20130406-162944.jpg I also found this cute Kodak instamatic camera in Gilgandra. I was fiddling with it in the store and almost blinded my daughter when the flash went off!! It was pretty funny and a nice surprise to know it still works.

20130406-161116.jpg Today, in Millthorpe, i found the last two items. They are definitely my favs for the week. I’ve always wanted a stop sign. I’m not sure why….perhaps a not so subtle reminder to STOP, breathe and remember not to let the little things get to me. I was actually in the middle of a sulking tantrum when I saw this sign. Serendipity? Yes, I think so.

20130406-161504.jpg I actually couldn’t help smiling (despite my sulking) as I walked the sign home. Just the thought of being able to jump out in the middle of the road and halt traffic was amusing to me. Finally, my Underwood typewriter. I love it. I know it’s not very original as everyone is collecting them, but I love it all the same.

20130406-161349.jpg And here are this weeks finds (except the plates) at home in the parlour. I’ve got a busy, busy, busy week ahead!! My first guests stay next weekend and my gorgeous little sister is getting married too.


17 thoughts on “Exciting Vintage Finds

  1. Hello 🙂 love the new finds especially the camera. I agree with you re the stop sign. Might have to get one myself to remind me to do the same!! Your first guests will love the house just as I did. You have done a spectacular job in decorating it. It looks beautiful. You can start on my house next if you like 🙂


    • I’ll keep an eye out for another sign for you. It’s funny how a single word can STOP you in your tracks and make you reassess. Yeah, the camera is cute, but poor Eilish was seeing dots for about 5mins. Thanks for the vote of confidence re the house. Xo


  2. totally love the styling with the stop sign- lovely combination of old and new and the typewriter is fantastic! maybe your guests can comment on their stay on it…as they tardy in the parlour.


  3. I LOVE the typewriter!! You probably didn’t notice, but I just changed my social media icons into typewriter buttons… on a – you guessed it, Underwood… Love it!!

    Also need my own stop sign as my own reminder to stop, relax, breathe… I should probably carry it around all the time!!


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