Antique Mannequins and Vintage Ladders

new antique mannequin

A few weekends ago my husband and i spent a day in the Blue Mountains searching for treasure! There are loads of antique places in the Blue Mountains and every time we pass through we want to stop, but don’t because of time issues. So we decided to set aside a day and just do it! It was a bit blustery and cold, but still heaps of fun. My favourite treasure from the day was this gorgeous old antique mannequin. I already have two mannequins, but as they are a practical addition to the house i thought one more couldn’t hurt. Right? And this one is different to the others. The base is more decorative and the ageing of the fabric more severe. In fact, i’m going to attempt to fix the fabric down with a fabric adhesive to slow down the deterioration. This mannequin has character! And the beauty of mannequins is they serve a purpose. One of my mannequins hold necklaces, another holds an old irish guard jacket (more on that later) and this one will be good for hats and coats in the parlour.

antique mannequins stop sign
three antique mannequins

After a day in the mountains we returned to Millthorpe where i found two vintage ladders at the shop down the road. I always seem to find the best stuff in Millthorpe! And these ladders are perfect for the bathrooms. There is one larger ladder for the main  bathroom and a smaller one for the ensuite bathroom in the loft. Perfection. I really love when vintage finds are useful and beautiful… favourite kind of treasures. vintage ladder as towel rack vintage ladder towel rack

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